....Information for bidders..オークションへ参加される皆様へ..投标人须知....



....Registration is required to participate in the auction venue in person.

When you register, you will be asked to fill out a registration form and present your ID. ..



….Registration by mail or fax ..郵送またはFAXでの登録申し込み..通过邮寄或传真注册....

….Please print out the Auction Application Form, fill in the required information, and send it to us by mail or fax with a copy of your ID. You may also submit a copy of your ID on the day of the auction. ..
※身分証のコピーはオークション当日に提出いただいても結構でございます。.. 请打印并填写拍卖申请表,连同您的身份证复印件一起邮寄或传真给我们。

  • …. Address: .. 住所:.. 住址: ….

〒105-0013 東京都港区浜松1-22-8 深谷ビル 1F

Fukaya Building 1F 1-22-8 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013 Japan 

  • …. Fax: ..Fax:.. 传真: ….


….Registration on our HP ..HPからの登録申込み..在我们的惠普上注册....

….Please fill in the registration form on our website, and send it to us by mail or fax with a copy of your ID. You may also submit a copy of your ID on the day of the auction. ..
.. 请填写我们网站上的登记表,并通过邮件或传真将其发送给我们,同时附上您的身份证复印件。你也可以在拍卖会当天提交你的身份证复印件….

….Contact us via email .. メールでのお問合せ .. 通过邮件联系我们....

….If you would like to inquire about registration by e-mail, please send your inquiry to the following e-mail address. .. ご登録についてメールでのお問合せは以下のメールアドレスまでお願いいたします。.. 如果您想通过电子邮件就您的注册与我们联系,请使用以下电子邮件地址。….


....BIDDING .. 入札..竞价....

....Please receive a paddle at the reception of the auction room. The auction will be conducted in order of lot numbers in the catalogue. Each lot is started with their respective lowest bid prices. If you want to bid to the lot at the price auctioneer stated, please raise the paddle clearly.

Standard bid increments are: JPY 2,000 up to JPY 50,000: JPY 5,000 up From JPY 50,000 to 100,000: JPY 10,000 up From JPY 100,000 to 300,000: JPY 20,000 up From JPY 300,000 to 800,000: JPY 50,000 up From JPY 800,000 to 2,000,000: JPY 100,000 for over JPY 2,000,000. Auctioneer may change the increments on his/her discretion depending on the bidding situation. For absent bidding, please refer Absent Bidding Form.




标准投标增量为 2,000至50,000日圓:5,000日圓起 50,000至100,000日圓:10,000日圓起 100,000至300,000日圓:20,000日圓起 300,000至800,000日圓:50,000日圓起 800,000至2,000,000日圓:2,000,000日圓以上:100,000日圓。拍卖师可根据竞拍情况酌情更改增价幅度。 对于书面竞标,请使用目录末尾的书面竞标表。

....Hammer .. 落札..成交价....

....Successful bidder and the hammer price is decided when the auctioneer call the paddle number and the price, and hit by the hammer.

Attention: Please note that bidding at the venue can only be successful if the price exceeds the price of the prior bid.






....The price payable will be the total of hammered price + buyer's premium (17% of hammered price) and shipping cost.

Please confirm your auction result at the reception desk before you leave. The invoice is sent to the successful bidder soon after the auction day. The payment method is by bank transfer. Please transfer payment to the account indicated on the invoice within 10 days from the day after the auction.

Any payment will not be accepted on the auction day.




落札価格+落札手数料+運送費 = 支払金額となります。お帰りの際に会場受付にて落札ロットの確認をお願いします。落札者の方にはオークション後、請求書をお送りいたします。お支払方法は銀行振込です。オークション翌日より10 日以内に請求書に記載されております口座にお振込ください。


应支付的价格为落锤价 + 买家保险费(落锤价的 177%)和运费的总和。

请在离开前到前台确认拍卖结果。发票将在拍卖日后很快寄给成功竞拍者。付款方式为银行转账。请在拍卖次日起 10 天内将款项转入发票上注明的账户。


....DELIVERY .. 配送..运送....

....Please note it is not available to pick up the wine on the auction day. Wine is delivered upon the confirmation of payment to the requested address. Delivery charge is 1,850 JPY  (including tax) for 1 box (750ml x 6 bottles) for domestic delivery (excl. remote island etc.).

The bottles are packed at standing position and we are not liable for condition of the wine during delivery.

If you are bidding from overseas, please contact us at info@kaigaiasia.jp for any enquiries regarding shipping costs for delivery outside Japan. Please note that we may not be able to make arrangements for high value lots, depending on the delivery address.


オークション当日のお渡しはできません。落札いただいたワインのご購入金額のご入金確認後、配送(有償)となります。1箱(750mL× 6本まで)1,850円(税込)で全国配送(離島・一部地域、海外を除く)いたします。配送には猶予をいただきたくお願いします。尚、ワインを立てた状態で梱包しますが、配送中のオリの舞につきましてはご容赦ください。



我们将在确认付款后,将葡萄酒寄送至所要求的地址。国内(不包括偏远岛屿等)运费为每箱(750 毫升 x 6瓶)1,500 日元(含税)。

如果你从海外投标,请与我们联系 info@kaigaiasia.jp ,以了解日本以外的运输费用。
